according to nancy rose what is the ideology of the dole

Empathetic Conservatism Lost

Herman Cain


Posted: Nov 08, 2006 2:16 PM

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, likely new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and the media will portray Tuesday's takeover equally a repudiation of President Bush-league'southward leadership on the state of war in Republic of iraq. The public'southward media-tinted perception of U.S. progress in Iraq, and its subsequent willingness to vote for Democratic Firm and Senate candidates does not, nevertheless, fully explain the switch in political party control. No explanation of the Democrats' takeover is complete without laying partial blame on President Bush-league'southward and then-called compassionate conservative agenda.

The term compassionate conservatism was coined past University of Texas professor and Globe Mag editor Marvin Olasky in Olasky'south 2000 book titled Empathetic Conservatism: What it is, What it Does, and How it Tin Transform America. In an October 21, 2006 Wall Street Journal profile, Bush'southward sometime chief speechwriter Michael Gerson described the president's governing philosophy this mode: "Compassionate conservatism is the theory that the authorities should encourage the effective provision of social services without providing the service itself."

Bush'southward big-government policies have certainly transformed America, only they are not even in the aforementioned neighborhood equally true limited-government conservatism. Worse, the president, his advisors, the Republican National Committee and Republican leaders in the House and Senate have alienated the party'due south conservative base of operations of activists and voters.

Compassionate conservatism first brought us the No Child Left Behind Deed of 2001. NCLB further consolidated federal oversight of pedagogy in an era when local control was the mantra of conservative voters and Republican congressional candidates.

Compassionate conservatism gave us the Medicare Prescription Drug, Comeback, and Modernization Human action of 2003. A Heritage Foundation written report on the Medicare trustees' estimates finds that "Medicare'southward long-term debt, based on a 75-year actuarial project, is at present estimated to be $32.4 trillion. Of that amount, $eight trillion is straight attributable to the Medicare prescription drug entitlement." The prescription drug bill is 1 of the largest expansions of the entitlement state in our nation's history.

Bush-league has farther abandoned financial conservatism on federal spending, one of the bedrock principles of conservative ideology. According to Richard Viguerie, writer of Conservatives Betrayed, federal spending rose by 4.7 per centum in President Clinton's commencement term, and three.vii percentage in his second term. Federal spending rose nineteen.2 percentage in Bush'due south beginning term alone.

Also many Republicans in the Business firm and Senate have enabled the compassionate conservative ruse by refusing to lead on truthful bourgeois solutions. The flawed structures of the Social Security and Medicare programs continue to swallow a larger portion of federal revenue enhancement receipts and volition presently go broke. The federal income revenue enhancement code is an unfair burden on every taxpayer, yet few Republicans accept joined the march to replace the code with a consumption tax. Our energy prices remain largely at the mercy of Heart Due east sheiks and Due south American madmen, still our political leaders lack the volition to authorize consumption of our own arable oil and natural gas resources.

Now that Democrats take seized control of the House, and maybe the Senate, the president is poised to evangelize the knockout blow to conservative voters, the bourgeois movement and the very Constitution itself. In a most bitter twist of irony, Democratic control of Congress would finally allow Bush to enact his amnesty scheme for the tens of millions of illegal aliens within our borders. Amnesty for illegal aliens is not empathetic, nor is it conservative. It is unconstitutional.

Compassionate conservatism failed America and cost Republicans control. Bush's guiding philosophy attempted to co-opt the liberal Democratic strategy of campaign to the right, and govern from the middle. To reach that feat 1 must pander to all involvement groups, and promise the traditional base stays dwelling house on Election Day. If you recall, Bush's predecessor in the White Business firm utilized the exact same strategy. He called information technology triangulation.

Conservative voters do not back up moderate policy solutions, and they pass up moderate Republicans who masquerade every bit conservative voices. Soon after Trick News alleged Pennsylvania Democrat Bob Casey, Jr. the victor over Republican Senator Rick Santorum, Fox election analysts called Santorum a "empathetic bourgeois" who looks for authorities solutions to bug. Republican In Proper name But senators Mike DeWine (R-OH) and Lincoln Chafee (R-RI) were similarly ousted in the Tuesday Dark Massacre. Moderate to bourgeois-leaning Democrats also replaced many Republican House members.

Republican candidates lose when the party apparatus, whose goal is to win elections, abandons the conservative base, whose goal is conservative policy solutions. Only two years agone Bush and Santorum unconscionably endorsed liberal Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA), who was in a primary race with conservative Congressman Pat Toomey. Specter won the primary, only Santorum ultimately paid the price. In this yr's Rhode Island Republican Senate main, the RNC openly supported liberal Senator Lincoln Chafee against his more than conservative opponent, Steve Laffey. Sen. Chafee is one of the most liberal members of the Senate and refused to vote for President Bush-league in 2004, writing in the president's father instead, yet the RNC still paid for ads in his main race. Rhode Island voters were non likely to nominate or elect a conservative, but the RNC's actions were heard beyond the fruited conservative plain. Tap the brakes, Karl Rove and Ken Mehlman. Yous're non king makers.

Compassionate conservatism completely betrayed conservative voters and their decades of grassroots activism. Fortunately, all is non lost for the true conservative movement. Every Business firm and Senate seat lost this yr is an opportunity for conservatives to re-educate the public on true conservative policy solutions. The coming Republican presidential chief offers a similar chance for renewal and the possible emergence of a 18-carat successor to Ronald Reagan.

No voter turnout auto put in movement over a 3-twenty-four hours pre-election period could accept overcome this slap in the face to the Republican Party's base of operations. Undoing compassionate conservatism's wreckage will take years, not 72 hours.

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